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    Giving Your Cat The Best Life Starts With The Right Cat Food

    Giving Your Cat The Best Life

    How to find the right cat food for your feline friend

    At WHISKAS®, we're devoted to helping all cats live healthy and happy lives. Your cat’s food is more than a way to satisfy your cat's hunger, it’s how your cat gets their nutrients. Mealtime is an important ritual for cats, and to maximise their enjoyment, it’s important to find the right food for your feline friend. Finding the right cat food can greatly influence your cat’s habits and behaviours, that’s why we’ve put together a guide on how to choose the right cat food for your little lion.


    Cat food considerations

    Choosing the right cat food plays an important role in your cat's overall health, well-being and quality of life. Whilst making sure your cat is getting the nutrients it needs is important, nothing is more important than making sure your feline friend is enjoying their food.

    Finding the right food will require a bit of trial and error and it may take a while to find the right food for your cat. Luckily, WHISKAS® cat food has something for everyone, even the pickiest of eaters!

    If you’ve been giving your cat the same food for a while, and you notice they are losing interest in food, they may be telling you they want to switch up their food.

    Yes, cats can get bored of eating the same type of food every day. That’s one of the reasons why WHISKAS® recommends mixing up your cat's food with part wet food and part dry food. 

    This can be done by incorporating their new food with their current food and gradually, phasing out their current food. It’s important to do this so as not to overwhelm them or cause digestive issues. 


    How often should I feed my cat?

    Cats benefit from eating a diet specifically tailored to their age, as over time, their nutritional requirements will change. An adult cat's stomach is roughly the size of a ping-pong ball, therefore they are best suited to eating little and often. Cats who are fed large portions may become sick after meals or put on weight over time.

    Kittens will require 3-4 meals a day, after they turn one they won’t need to be fed as often. However, many cats prefer to graze feed so you might like to offer some wet food in the morning and at night, and you can leave some dry food in their bowl for them to snack on throughout the day. 

    It’s normal to see a cat take a nibble from their bowl, walk away and return later. Remember to measure out their food portions so that you can monitor how much is being eaten. This will help your cat to maintain a healthy body weight which is approximately 4.5 kilograms.


    Do I need to feed my cat at a specific time?

    Cats like routine, so it’s ideal if you can set specific meal times. Sticking to a feeding routine is also a great way to bond with your feline friend and build trust with them. They may even become more snuggly and affectionate as a result of their mealtime routine.


    How much food does my cat need?

    A healthy and active adult cat requires around 240 calories per day, which can be obtained from a mixture of both dry and wet foods and as your cat ages, this will change. All WHISKAS® cat food products come with clear instructions and serving suggestions to make feeding your little lion the right amount of food easier than ever.


    Why isn’t my cat eating?

    Whilst mealtime is an enjoyable time of day for your cat, sometimes your cat may not be interested in their food. Some cats may find mealtime stressful, especially if there is another pet in the house. If you notice your cat is avoiding eating dinner when your other pet is eating, be sure to either feed them in a separate room or at a different time than your other pet.

    Other causes for lack of interest in food are obvious, like being full from grazing on their dry food throughout the day. If they’ve been eating the same food for a while, their lack of interest in food may be their way of trying to communicate with you that they are tired of their current food. Luckily WHISKAS® has plenty of options to choose from.


    Find the right cat food for your feline friend

    At WHISKAS®, we want your cat to live a long and happy life – just like you do. That’s why we cater for every cat. To find the right food for your cat, head to our website.

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